Grozny. Putin’s Chechen Tiger

Grozny. Czeczeński tygrys Putina

  • Description
  • Cast and crew
  • Duration: 51’
  • Resolution: HD
  • Year: 2015

Visitors to Chechnya are truly surprised by what they find there. In 2003 after a devastating war with Russia, the capital city of Chechnya- Grozny was announced to be the most destroyed city in the world, according to UNESCO. Today the place resembles Dubai with its glass and metal skyscrapers and one of the biggest Mosques in Europe. All that was possible thanks to billions of dollars in subsidies from Moscow as well as the support from Putin who personally anointed Kadyrov to be the leader of the country. In return for the financial support Russian Federation gained peace and a lasting ally. The documentary presents a brand new and a totally unknown image of Chechnya, its everyday life, customs and traditions (a mix of sharia with Adat – custom law) problems and successes as well as the position of the leader Kadyrov. The author meets with a local notable who is open about having two wives, even though the law of the Russian Federation forbids it, a young man who spent half a year in Syria in the Islamic State, children who sing songs about Kadyrov and call him the Sun. It is a fascinating journey into the heart of a place that has risen up from the horror of war, yet its leaders treat it as their own property and rule with an iron fist.


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